Thursday, February 28, 2008

Free Talk: The Nature of the English Alphabet Code

"The English alphabet code: some people call it 'chaotic.' Others simply say it 'doesn't make sense.' For generations teachers have tried to dispel confusion with phonics 'rules,' or 'generalizations.' But 'the rules,' and the long list of their 'exceptions' only add to the confusion. Other well-meaning teachers direct children to memorize 'whole words,' which tops out their memory loads at a less-than- literate level. The result of these teaching methods (often dismally combined in today's scripted learning programs) is that 43% of our children fall below grade level in reading.
The fact is, the English alphabet code is one of the most complex writing systems in the world. Unless we understand how it works, we simply cannot teach reading and writing effectively. On Sunday, March 16, 10am-12pm, at the Chico Library, a local teacher will present information on 'Linguistic Phonics,' a revolutionary way to teach English reading and writing. It's revolutionary because it has the potential to help every learner become a fluent reader.
Come to the free talk and learn:
The inherent logic of our written code - and how to teach in line with it
The three skills necessary for reading and writing
Why 'phonemic awareness' is the single-greatest predictor of reading success
What Child Development research tells us about effective reading instruction
How dyslexia stems from flawed methods of reading instruction
How comprehension is dramatically increased with good decoding skills
How we can help beginning readers, older students with reading difficulty, and second language learners become fluent readers

 For more information: 894-7349"